Friday, September 27, 2019

"The Surprising History of American College Dorms"

While scrolling through The American Conservative website this article stood out the most to me. The first thought that came to my mind was living here at High Point University. In 2018 ranked this school at number one for having the best dorms in America. As a second-year student who lives on this campus in a dorm, I understand why our school was given this recognition.

My dorm represents so much more than just a place for me to sleep at night. I consider myself to be introverted, so after a long day I look forward to going back to my room to unwind and prepare for the upcoming day. I can sing as loudly as I want in there and just be my genuine self without the judgment of others. I cook in my room, do homework, have movie nights with my friends, and occasionally pull all-nighters when I wait until the very last minute to complete an assignment. Living in a dorm also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to new people. It's almost impossible for me to leave the building that I live in without seeing someone, so I always look at that as an opportunity to interact with someone new.

The article that I read did bring up a very good point that I can agree with about living in dorms. It stated that dorms can be secluding (especially off-campus ones). I can kind of agree with this statement because in the past I spent too much time in my room and never really left it. This was not healthy for myself or my social life.

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